Friday, September 24, 2010

Apache Resistance

This is one of those bands I always heard about but never saw. They broke up a long time ago before I began going to shows, but they fucking rule. I don't know who was in it or what the cover looked like

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Audio Rapists

Catchy sing along hardcore with songs all about equality and political justice. This is what a band that wants to sound like this should sound like. From Baltimore area Md 2003. The lead singer, Chris LaMartina, now directs hit horror films.


The real Plaguewielder was a crusty fast as fuck crushing black metal epic sludge band from off North ave, not the mallgeeks with facepaint from West Va. Listen to this if you're not a pussy


By now you've probably heard of the peace punk band A//Political. Here is five of their songs, titled "Punk is a Ghetto". Its catchy fun punk with strong political messages.

Songs about throwin up

The Squints were a ridiculous noisy punk band. They were known for having the most energetic live shows in the whole fucking city. This is their debut album


Inure were a crusty metal band from baltimore. Feet rollin, dueling vocals, you can feel the misery of life.


Bleak metal from under baltimore. They fucking hate you.

Dawn treader

Dawn Treader are one of my favorite bands ever. This is their first album. Crazy spastic loud screaming with slow drawn out soft parts. Listen to the tracks in order.

Oroku- Living through the end of time

Originally from Lawrence, Kansas, Oroku plays heavy epic melodic crust complete with cello. Recommended for fans of good music

Wingnut Dishwashers Union

ten tracks of punk rock that will make you hate every politician that ever lived. This is the last cd Pat the Bunny put out before going to rehab. It brings in the drums and will rock you out. Originally from Brattleboro, Vt

Beyond the Grunt Call

Baltimore artsy hardcore punk rock. Unlike anything you have ever heard. I don't know most of the song names, sorry. Broke up in 04 i think

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Call the Cops...

Call the Cops was a punk rock band from Baltimore, Md. This is their demo tape and their only official release to my knowledge. They played awesome catchy street punk that will kick your ass. Like so many others, Call the Cops couldn't find a drummer to stick with em to go on tour and called it quits in 07 i think. Check it out if you like fun


The purpose of this blog is to share music of bands I enjoy. They will be primarily punk and metal music, but other genres considered as well. DIY only